wtorek, 23 lipca 2013

How one brave chicken showed bunch of tigers where's their place

My finger ~.~


So the story begins. Long long time ago (Sunday), in a far away land (Harbin) there was a chicken. Let's call him Al. Little did Al know that in the same city, there is also Siberian Tiger Preserve, where for 60rmb people can see who would win if one brave chicken will put his sharp beak against claws of bunch of tigers. Luckily, I was nearby, and here's Al's story.

Full relax, water, sweet tigers, some weird metal cage on cable, looks like for some veggies.

Behold! Al enters the stage! His feathers are tufted, his eyes are furious, luckily he's caged, otherwise he'd rip apart, dissect those poor animals. One of kitties had noticed, rest is a bit sleepy.

Oooh, look how's the kitten smiling so nice!

One is a bit impatient. It's hard to see, but Al braced himself against the already open cage with his claws, he doesn't look like he really wants to check how's water.

More kitties! MOOAAR!

Yay, even more! Luckily Al is still holding, at least all clients were able to arrive in the restaurant. I'm sure Al has prepared some escape plan.

I have to admin, his idea is quite brave.

Now, there are two version what happened next. First tells that Al was obliterated in a second, his ripped head hanging from one of tigers mouth, while tiger was running away from the rest, since they started a small brawl as who has a right for fresh warm meat.

Second, Hollywood version, states that Al landed on the head of one of the tigers, ripped his ear, choked the second one with his wing, grabbed third one by tail and started swinging around, scaring the rest. After they run away, Al flew into the sunset.


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